K-Guard Blog

Do Gutters Need Splash Guards?

It’s finally springtime which means we’re about to enter Colorado’s rainiest month: May. Did you know that on average we receive a little over 12” of rainfall per year here in Colorado? With that being said, did you know that we receive on average around 35” of snow per year? While our annual rainfall totals are lower than the national average, we do receive more snow than the national average, making up for annual precipitation totals.

When you factor in how much snow melts each year and how much rainfall we receive, it’s easy to see that our gutters work hard year-round to flush and drain water away from our homes. If you have traditional, open-top gutters then you may be wondering if you need splash guards. 

If you’re asking yourself “do gutters need splash guards?” then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain what splash guards are and whether or not you truly need to have them installed on your gutter system – continue reading to learn more.


What are Splash Guards?

At K-Guard, we’re often asked what splash guards are. They’re pieces of material that are placed in areas of a gutter system—usually valleys, also known as corners—where overspilling may occur. Furthermore, splash guards are installed on open-top gutter systems to keep water flowing through the gutter system in areas that often overflow due to heavy rainfalls. 


Do I Need Splash Guards?

If you have traditional, open-top gutters then yes, you should have splash guards installed. Why? The answer is simple: to prevent damage from occurring to your home and landscaping. We’ll examine the benefits of splash guards more thoroughly below.

When your traditional, open-top gutter system is constantly overflowing, water is forced to spill over the gutters and is left to accumulate around your home in places like around the foundation or your garden beds, near your front door, etc.


Benefits of Splash Guards

As we mentioned earlier, splash guards keep water flowing through an open-top gutter system that may overflow due to heavy rainfalls. Valleys on traditional, open-top gutter systems tend to slow the flow of water since the water has to travel around a corner. When there is an influx of water flowing through the gutter system then these valleys often experience overflowing water, forcing the water to pour over the gutter and onto the surrounding area, not down a downspout like a gutter system is designed to do. 

When you install splash guards on an open-top gutter system, water can move faster through these valleys and aids in keeping up with the heavy rainfall or snowmelt. When you install splash guards on your open-top gutter system, more happens than just keeping the water flowing. Below are some other benefits to installing splash guards:


  • Can help prevent landscape damage
  • Can aid in preventing foundation damage caused by flooding
  • Helps prevent roof leaks
  • Helps prevent damage from occurring to the entire gutter system including rotted fascia boards 

All of these issues can result in costly repairs, especially if overflowing gutters are the cause of foundation damage. Foundation damage can cause many serious issues for homeowners including cracks in the foundation, leaning or tipping, foundation upheaval, and so on.


Are There Any Solutions Other than Splash Guards?

While installing splash guards is a more inexpensive option, they’re not always the best solution for homeowners, especially if you live in Colorado where we experience higher than average winter precipitation totals. Homeowners need a complete gutter system that can keep up with heavy rainfalls and snowmelt that will completely prevent overflowing gutters, not only “help” the issue.

The K-Guard Leaf Free Gutter System is a complete system that prevents overflowing and keeps water flowing freely and quickly throughout the system, draining it away from your home. How can the K-Guard Gutter System keep your home protected from drainage issues and overflowing gutters?

Traditional gutter systems often mount to a home’s fascia or even the roof. When a gutter system is mounted to the fascia or roof then damage like sagging, separation, and leaks can occur. K-Guard mounts above the floodplain and eliminates damage. Additionally, the K-Guard Leaf Free Gutter System can handle a minimum of 22 inches of rain per hour while other systems have less capacity to move rain through quickly.

If you’re ready to make the switch to K-Guard, contact us today. We offer free in-home estimates (contactless amid the pandemic) that will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision on installing K-Guard, including a thorough assessment of your home’s current gutter system. We proudly install the K-Guard Gutter System across the state of Colorado including the following locations:


We look forward to helping you prevent overflowing gutters by installing the complete K-Guard Gutter System!



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