Wintertime means Coloradans’ favorite outdoor activities can be enjoyed again! Whether you prefer snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, or hiking in the snow, winter is a time to explore and enjoy our beautiful state of Colorado. Locals understand how to keep warm outdoors by adding appropriate layers and choosing the right outdoor gear to protect against the cold and snow.
Though outdoor winter activities are enjoyable, our homes should be a warm escape from outdoor fun. Your heat probably kicks on in your home multiple times in a given day, now through mid-late spring. It can be expensive to keep the heat on many months out of the year to keep our homes warm and comfortable.
Luckily, there are some ways to make our homes warmer while saving on heating costs. Keep reading to learn about 5 tips for warming up your home this winter so you can save a little on your energy bills this year.
1. Install a Programmable or Smart Thermostat
If your home is a newer build it may already have a programmable thermostat. If it’s older, it may have a traditional thermostat that allows you to adjust only the current temperature. To warm up your home this winter and keep it more comfortable, consider installing a programmable thermostat.
Most programmable thermostats allow you to set the temperature for certain times of the day, allowing you to adjust the temperature without having to constantly turn the dial. With a programmable thermostat, you can set your desired temperature for daytime, nighttime, and even overnight. Take it a step further and install a smart thermostat that will learn your habits and adjust the temperature accordingly. Some can be controlled by a smartphone, so you can have your home nice and toasty when you arrive from a full day of outdoor fun.
2. Insulate/Seal Windows and Doors
Windows and doors are barriers between our homes and the great outdoors. Thus, you’ll want to ensure that they are keeping cold air out and warm air in. Windows and doors that allow warm air to escape and cold air to enter can lead to costly energy bills and undesirable temperatures.
To keep your home warmer this winter, insulate and seal all windows and doors. Drafty windows and doors can result in heat loss, increasing energy bills, and forcing your HVAC system to run in overdrive all winter. To seal windows, apply caulk to any gaps or cracks in the existing caulk. For doors, consider replacing the weatherstripping and even using a draft stopper to block cold air from entering the home from the underside of the front and back doors.
3. Run Your Ceiling Fans Counterclockwise
Having ceiling fans run counterclockwise can keep your home cooler in the summer. But what about the winter months? Switch your ceiling fan to spin clockwise during winter to warm up a bit. Why? While ceiling fans can’t increase or decrease the temperature in a room, they can move stagnant air in a direction that cools you down or warms you up.
Running your fans counterclockwise in the summer months creates a column-like effect that forces the cool air down on you. Running the fan clockwise in the winter will move cold air up toward the ceiling, allowing warm air that has risen to be dispersed throughout the room. You can change the direction manually or with the push of a button if the ceiling fan has a remote control.
4. Keep All Interior Doors Open
If you have a room that doesn’t have a vent or air from your HVAC system reaching it, keep that door closed. For every room in the house that has working vents where warm air blows from, keep those doors open. Air needs to circulate to regulate the desired temperature, and closed doors inhibit that. Keeping all interior doors open will help warm air that comes from the vents to circulate throughout the home, keeping your home warmer and your HVAC from working in overdrive.
5. Clean Your Gutters
Clogged gutters can lead to drainage issues like basement leaks, foundation damage, damage to soffit and fascia boards, warped roof shingles, siding damage, among other nightmares. Did you know that clogged gutters can also lead to a chillier home in the winter months? Attics are beneath roofs, adjacent to the gutter system. Poor airflow in an attic can lead to a warmer home in the summer and a cooler home in the winter.
Clogged gutters can also lead to ice dams, a dangerous yet common issue for homeowners in and around Denver, Colorado Springs, Littleton, and surrounding cities. With constant snow and temperatures that are often above or hovering around freezing, snow is always melting. A gutter system works in overdrive in the winter months, flushing out large amounts of meltwater. Clogged gutters result in impeded water flow, forcing the meltwater to flow over the sides of the gutter or remain inside of it.
Ideally, clean your half-round gutters or open-top gutter system often, at least two times per year to remove debris that can form clogs. Better yet, install the K-Guard Leaf Free Gutter System. Our gutter product is seamless and has a curved hood that keeps all debris out, eliminating the need to clean your gutters!
Contact K-Guard today to get the installation process started by scheduling your free estimate. K-Guard is the premiere gutter company in Colorado, providing a leaf-free gutter solution for homeowners for many years. We proudly install the K-Guard Gutter System across the state of Colorado including, but not limited to, the following locations: Denver, Colorado Springs, Littleton, Centennial, Aurora, Boulder, Castle Rock, Broomfield, Fort Collins, and so many more!